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Is Competing Healthy Or Dangerously Unhealthy?

Writer's picture: Emily ReynoldsEmily Reynolds

SOOOOO many unhealthy competitors out there. Holy cow it is really overwhelming!

I know firsthand what it is like to compete; it did it several years. I have competed with the NPC, INBA and WBFF. I won two Pro Cards with 2 different organizations.

I can tell you about the good, the bad and the very ugly side of competing. I can also tell you that I chose to do it in a very healthy way, loved every second of it and learned that it is very different on the inside than I ever would have imagined.

I have NEVER:

Snapped at someone during show prep.

Wrapped saran wrap around me.

Worn a corset to bed.

Said no to all social engagements because I can't be around food.

Taken diuretics or any performance enhancing drugs.

Taken my "depletion plan" and did it in real life to look good at a pool party.

Gone hungry because a so-called coach told me I can only eat 1,200 calories per day.

Done fasted cardio when I felt like I was going to pass out.

Went to the gym 2-3 times in a day.

Taken a crazy supplement because some fitness model or trainer said they take it.

Worked myself till illness or did not take a break when I REALLY needed it.

Made a list of the "cheat meals" I am going to binge on after my show.

Guzzled pre workout like it was my only life line.

Sat online looking at other competitors wishing I was them.

Dated, be friended or had a relationship with a judge, photographer or promoter to "get ahead."

These are quite common behaviors inside the competition world and the fitness industry in general.


It is very possible to train for shows and do it in a healthy manner.

No show, no trophy, no prize or no recognition is worth losing yourself, your friends, your health or your sanity.

I have watched COUNTLESS people let their lives be turned upside down after competing. It makes me sad honestly. I watch them lie to themselves about their eating disorders, hiding food in their house and car, binge on junk food when they simply can’t take it anymore & then "cleanse". The constant and obsessive reading of labels, counting calories, comparing themselves to others and judging anyone that is eating a cup cake or not 10% body fat.

The awareness of this being a HIGE problem within the industry is something that is becoming more out in the open as competitors; especially women - start to talk about the damage they have done to themselves. Adrenal fatigue, losing their menstrual cycle, thyroid problems, digestive issues just to name a few.

Please don't start thinking that ALL competitors are this way or that this is a normal part of show prep. Just because some ppl and coaches take things to the extreme does not make it normal or ok. I am here to tell you right now that it is NOT NORMAL, nor should it be accepted!

You can choose to compete and remain healthy doing it. You need to get educated though and find a good team of people to support you. If you want to learn more about competing in a healthy way, I would love to share my Competition Handbook with you for only $97.

Check it out:

Have you ever thought about competing but never knew where to begin?

Do you have a competitive nature?

Would you like to transform your body and look the best you've ever looked in your entire life?

Are you comfortable showing off your body when you’ve worked hard to get it into the right shape?

Do you take pride in the way you look, especially when you’ve trained so hard to get it that way? This can be extremely rewarding.

If you’ve ever considered taking steps towards training your body, improving your nutrition, and changing your life, with the dream to then show it off on stage and WIN...

Then the advice in this program is just for you! Read On!

Strutting around a stage half-naked in front of hyper-critical judges and a rowdy audience isn’t for everyone, but if just the thought of it gets you pumped, it might just be for you.

How do you know when you’re ready? It’s definitely not right now, at this very moment - we can assure you of that. No matter how good you might look in the mirror right now, you’re not “stage ready”.

On the flip side, it’s a common misconception that fitness and bodybuilding competitors look the way they do on stage, for a full 365 days a year.

You don’t have to have great genetics or be born a certain way to be successful competitively, you just have to be willing to work hard and COMMIT through the end goal. Getting “stage ready” is 48 hours of extreme prepping, but getting “competition ready” is a journey.

If you’re considering a physique, figure, fitness, or bikini competition, you must take an honest look at your current starting point, as well as the desired end point, and determine whether you have the will and the determination to get there.

If you are going to either lose a tremendous amount of weight and body fat, or gain a tremendous amount of muscle and curves, you need to acknowledge that challenge and accept that you’re going to have to work harder than your competition.

Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to stay in when your friends are going out? Are you willing to spend a significant of time in the gym and with your coach?

We are, because win or lose (preferably WIN), we not only love the end result, but we also love the journey we take to get there each time.

The decision to compete is a very personal and empowering choice! Although I don’t PERSONALLY compete, I do from a goal standpoint encourage goals and competing is a great way to fulfill that. I respect the decision to compete and encourage those who do decide to!

I get a lot of questions regarding competition dieting, competition training and the different competition organizations. Many competitors have been coached by extreme and unhealthy measures and have had bad experiences.

The main reason I reached out to Emily Reynolds to write this guide is because she herself has been very successful coaching and competing in competitions.

For those of you who have followed me, my back issues, and my current way of eating and training you will notice that Emily’s methods are different than mine (training styles and diet thought process are different)

BUT what I love about and endorse about Emily’s way is it is natural, gluten free and healthy. She is also a personal good friend of mine who I have tremendous respect for. Weather you choose to follow my nutrition and training programs or the ones listed out in this program, you will truly benefit from Emily’s vast knowledge of the competition world, various organizations, how to prepare, and what to expect from the experience. I have certainly learned a lot about the competition world through working on this project with Emily. ~ Natalie Jill

For a LIMITED TIME—We’re giving you access to the complete Competition Handbook Program… for a price that’s almost too low to believe.

Let’s Have a Deeper Look Inside to Learn More…

You will learn all the in and outs of getting competition ready. There are so many things you need to learn when getting started and it can be a bit overwhelming. This program helps elevate some of those feelings by teaching everything you need to know to hit the stage with confidence.

This program is divided into 5 books/handouts: The Main Competition Handbook, 12 Week Competition Training Program/Tearsheets, 12 Week Competition Meal Plan, 6 Days Out Depletion Week Schedule and 12 Week Workout Calendar. There are also a couple of additional checklists. One is sample "Grocery Checklist" to go along with your meal plan. The other is a "Competition Day Checklist" to keep you organized for your big day and to make sure you do not forget anything.

  • Emily will guide on everything from choosing the right coach, to picking the right federation, to prepping for the show, to basics of posing and stage presence, to understanding depletion week (drying out), to preparing for your show, to photo shoots and much more.

  • Learn everything you need to know to hit the stage and compete with the right look, right package and perfect confidence.

  • You'll also learn some great tips from Natalie and Emily on various things like: how to grow your brand and social network, how to train with the right kind of intensity and tips for maintaining your healthy lifestyle.

  • EVERY workout at your fingertips! Each workout has 4 weeks' worth (or one whole phase) on every tear sheet.

  • No need to keep flipping back and forth between sheets to see how heavy you lifted the previous week... It's all there on one sheet!

  • Designed so you can track your progress by filling in all your sets, reps, weights and even times!

  • This is the PERFECT tool to keep you on track! No need to memorize or try to remember your day’s workout!

  • Also included is your "depletion week" workout and cardio routines for you to follow along each day.

  • This is a 12 week custom meal plan including a 1 week out depletion week meal plan to get you in the best shape of your life and competition ready.

  • Meals are broken out into 6 daily meals for each phase (example: weeks 1-4, 5-8, 9-12).

  • All the meals are easy to make and tasty. Eating healthy doesn't mean it has to taste bland.

  • This is a nutritional plan based on Emily Reynolds' competition dieting. This is what has worked for her and her clients. This is not a recommended plan for those not competing.

  • Depletions can be brutal and can zap every ounce of life out of you, and frankly it doesn’t have to be that way. Emily teaches how to really fine tune things by shedding extra water weight, tightening up, and allowing your hard work to show.

  • This schedule is completely broken down into everything you need to do/take each day including: workout routines, cardio sessions, vitamins/supplements (what and when to take them), daily water intake, daily nutrition, daily salt intake and even daily body prep instructions to make you look your best.

  • Learn the power of cutting water or "drying out." This HAS to be done right or you can set yourself up for serious dehydration. You'll learn how to listen to your body and slowly and safely pull the water away from your body to make your muscles appear full and defined on stage.

  • Learn how to properly sodium load and cut during this crucial week. This goes hand-in-hand with your water cutting. You want to look your very best on stage and we all know what a body can look (and feel) like after too much salt intake.

  • Never lose track of which training day it is again. We've thought of everything and want you to success.

  • Print out your 12 Week Training Program and strike out your workout each day.

  • Add your monthly goals right onto the sheets and mark if you have achieved or surpassed them.

Meet Emily Reynolds –

Hi, I’m Emily, a World Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation (WBFF) Pro Diva Bikini Athlete, an International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA) Pro Bikini Athlete, O’Neill 365 Icon, Figure Champion, Competition Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Fitness Personality and Model.

But it wasn’t always this way. I know better than most the power of nutrition and exercise. I know because in the not-so-distant past, I suffered from a health condition called Graves’ Disease that crippled my entire world.

The only thing that saved me was a healthy diet, fitness, and the power of believing in myself. This is how I got to where I am today. And this is where I get my strong drive, desire, and passion to help others be their very best every single day.

I work with clients in person and online all over the world. My clients span from mothers who want to fit into their skinny jeans, men who want to compete in a body building show, to those who are forced to change their lifestyle due to illness. Whether you are in the United States, Asia, Europe, or Dubai I can work closely with you to obtain your ultimate health goals!

Meet Natalie Jill -

Natalie helps people across the globe reach their health, fitness, life and business goals. Natalie is a well-known Licensed Master Sports Nutritionist and Certified Personal Trainer who specializes in WEIGHT LOSS consulting and counseling people with food allergies and intolerances.

Natalie was diagnosed as having Celiac Sprue over 12 years ago and this experience makes her well versed to help those with special needs dieting. Natalie is also an accomplished fitness model, host, and spokesperson.

Natalie has been the go-to and fitness expert for a number of TV outlets and high-profile sites such as, and has been and continues to be featured in countless DVDs, Infomercials, Television Appearances, and Radio Hosting, and truly helps people across the globe reach their health, fitness, and life goals.

To Your Health and Fitness, Natalie Jill Licensed Master Sports Nutritionist and Certified Personal Trainer

To Your Health and Fitness, Emily Renolds Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Certified Personal Trainer, WBFF Professional Athlete

  • Will this program be mailed to me?

  • No. This program is a "digital" program only. You will receive PDF files only.

  • I don't have a gym membership. Can I still do this from home?

  • This is mainly geared towards those with a gym membership. You can modify to do at home.

  • What type of equipment do I need? Do I need anything special to start?

  • It is recommended to have access to a gym that has dumbbells, benches, cardio machines, spin classes, etc.

  • How soon can I get started?

  • You can start get started as soon you complete your purchase.

  • Does this include a sample meal plan?

  • YES! This program includes a complete 12 Week Competition Meal Plan for you to follow.

  • How can I achieve that shredded look you see competitors have on the stage?

  • Besides keeping your training intense and nutrition on point daily it all comes down how you do during "depletion week." I've created very detailed depletion week schedule for you to follow along to and learn from.

  • What if I decide I want Emily as my coach?

  • Great you are really serious.

  • about taking your fitness to next level. Emily would be happy to coach you. Simply drop her an e-mail or contact her via Facebook for details and rates.

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